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Ball Rolling Method

What is the Ball Rolling method?

My Ball Rolling class is a powerful self-treatment method that uses 2 or more grippy and pliable rubber balls, to help eradicate aches and pains to restore your natural movement.

This method helps you identify blind spot areas that are catalyst for pain and injury. These areas are usually underused, overused, misused, abused, exhausted or totally confused and need to be felt, seen and heard by you!

In the 20 years I have been teaching and practising yoga, I have come to understand that we must integrate our painful and achy blind spots into our movement and self-care practice, otherwise we are moving & exercising from an unconscious place and we may struggle to find peace in every day life.

First picture – Ball at the top of spine/base of neck is showing me releasing out my tight shoulders, realigning my posture from sitting at my desk for 60-minutes and soothing an achy back. Always working mindfully, pausing and breathing.

Second picture – Ball over the shoulder-blades I am stretching out the front of my chest/diaphragm for better breathing & oxygenation, releasing tightness in my upper back, stretching out through the armpits and intercostal muscles around the ribcage. One can go as deep as your body will allow you, we listen and stop if there is pain.

Who are Ball Rolling classes for?

Whether you are a busy Mum running after your toddler with a sore shoulder, a top athlete who wants to improve their performance, a surgeon who suffers with back pain or a desk bound office worker who has painful wrists, the treatment is the same. Dysfunction is dysfunction in whatever ways it shows up.

My Ball Rolling method restores optimal performance in your tissue so that you can do what you want to do, better and pain free and at the same time become aware of your bad movement habits!

In this weekly class you will learn tools to take care of your soft tissue, posture and breath that you will have to hand whenever your body needs it, or as a support system for better living and being in your body … It’s a self-care massage for life.

Why would you attend my Ball Rolling class?

With regular practice Ball Rolling will:

1. Relieve aches and pains
2. Enhance breathing function
3. Increase mobility & energy
4. Reduce stress on your body & mind
5. Improve your posture & performance

Ball Rolling WORKSHOP timetable

Dates:  Saturday 18th March,  Saturday 29th April,  Saturday 10th June

Time: 8:30 – 10:30

Cost: £25 per workshop

Small groups of only 6 students

Email me or call to book

If you have any questions, concerns or not sure if Ball Rolling is for you then please CONTACT ME, I’d love to hear from you.

Follow me on Instagram 

Open post

The Benefits of drinking Lemon Water first thing in the Morning

Drinking fresh lemon in warm water everyday before breakfast

We have all heard the benefits of drinking lemon water in the morning, so I thought I would look into why it’s good for us from experts and try it myself for 4 weeks to see what the fuss is about.

I did some research to find out the health benefits from a more scientific perspective, and was very impressed with what I found.

My experience with drinking lemon water first thing was enlightening too … the most notable was a daily bowel movement, yes sorry not something that’s talked about. This was a great start to my day, because it made me feel light and healthy.

  • Aids digestion– The warm water helps stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, and the lemon helps loosen any toxins in the digestive tract.
  • Detoxifies the skin and body– As a natural diuretic, lemons help flush the body of any toxins by increasing the rate of urination. Their high vitamin C content also removes impurities from the blood, leading to clearer, more radiant skin.
  • Boosts immunity– Lemons are high in both vitamin C, which is great for fighting colds, and potassium, which stimulates brain and nerve function and controls blood pressure.
  • Helps curb the coffee habit– Lemon water is a healthier replacement to coffee on an empty stomach. Drinking good quality coffee isn’t bad for you, it’s when you drink it and how often is what you need to think about.
  • Helps with weight loss– Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps keep the body fuller, longer. They’re also a mild diuretic and very alkaline; alkaline bodies have been shown to lost weight faster.

Some Guidelines Before You Start

Water Temperature: Your water should be lukewarm to mildly hot. Cold water will shock your body, and boiling water will kill the beneficial enzymes present in the lemon.

Protect Your Teeth: Because of the acidity of the lemon, it’s a good idea to drink your lemon water through a straw to protect your teeth or brush your teeth soon after you’ve had your breakfast to get rid of the acidity.

Fresh vs. Bottled Lemon: Freshly squeezed lemon is better than bottled. I just fill up my glass with water, squeeze a lemon wedge over the water, then drop the wedge into the glass, stabbing it a few times to release more of the juice and the fibrous pulp into the water.

My Takeaway: It is definitely worth implementing this daily routine to your morning, the research is clear and I felt the positive affects after a  week. Go for it!

Classes timetable & booking

If you have any questions, concerns please CONTACT ME, I’d love to hear from you.

Follow me on Instagram 


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