Looking for a natural cold remedy? get 5 tips for fighting off colds, flu & coughs.

 Healers from your kitchen!

How to protect yourself from winter coughs & colds – Natural tips you can make at home

Now, for some of you who have already had a cold/cough I realise I am too late but here are a few tips for next time!

1 – Turmeric – the Indian spice, nature’s great antibiotic, helps defend against all the bugs. Take ¼ teaspoon in water 3 x per day. Don’t believe me just try it.

2- Garlic – must be organic tho. It  helps detoxify which is one of the main causes of weakening the body.

3- Fresh Ginger & fresh lemon (organic – no wax) – I make it every morning. Squeeze half or quarter slice of lemon in hot water add chopped ginger with skin. If you do have a sore throat add a teaspoon of honey – it’s brilliant. Cleans out the liver and helps alkalise the body (I know its acid but it turns into alkaline once inside – trust me).

4- Stay off Heavy foods – stay away from them for the next month or so as much as possible. We all know what they are. Yes the carbs. Bread, pasta, wheat and dairy products. The clog up the pipes.

5- Stay off the sugar, the bugs love sugar!

Just a few ideas that I hope can help you through the winter months…

Zena @ Satya Yoga Oxford


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