Friday 24th June 2016
• 09:30-09.45 Arrive/Tea
• 10:00-11:45 Dynamic Hatha Yoga with Zena Kidd-May
• 12:15-13:15 Lunch prepared by Modern Baker
• 13:15-14:30 Restorative Yoga with Derek Elliot
• 14:30-14:45 Depart with goody bag
Cost: £70 inclusive of lunch, teas and goody bag
How to book: • Email to reserve you space • Let us know of any injuries i.e lower back, knees, HBP, LBP, hypermobility • Let us know of any food allergies and intolerances • Payment can be made by BACs transfer (preferred), cheque or cash in advance of the day to secure your space • Please bring a jumper and socks
NOTE: This workshop is not for beginners to yoga but if you are reasonably fit with no injuries do get in touch
Zena Kidd-May
Derek Elliot
What is Restorative Yoga:
This style of yoga evolved from the work of B.K.S.Iyengar and encourages both healing and rejuvenation in the physical body as well as promoting evenness of the mind. Generally most poses are supine and supported by props. These longer holdings help to release muscular tension and bring about a relaxation response in the nervous system. Even at the best of times we can exhibit a stress response to our environment. Restorative yoga allows the space for the parasympathetic nervous system to operate and promote a release from the flight or fight response of the sympathetic nervous system. The outcome is a relaxed, grounded and more centered state of being.
Modern Baker