Zena jumping for freedom in menopause

Menopause and yoga day retreat

Only three known species go through menopause: killer whales, short-finned pilot whales, and humans. Two years ago, scientists suggested whales do this to focus their attention on the survival of their families rather than on birthing more offspring. But now this same team reports there’s another reason: older females enter menopause because their eldest daughters begin having calves, leading to fights over resources or lending a helping hand to help raise their calves. The findings might also apply to humans, some scientists say.

Do you know what is happening during the menopause? Are you concerned about the changes? Worried about the side effects of HRT? Would you like to understand how to prepare yourself before or after the menopause? What is ‘normal’ and when should we seek help from our GP? Book into our day retreat and find out more.

Learn how to boost your energy, improve health, gain ideas on what can help with night sweats and hot flushes, female dryness, mood swings, and aching joints. Is soya good or bad? What about diet, herbs, alternate support and treatments? Should you be exercising and if so what kind of exercise? Come with your questions and concerns.

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  • Wednesday 2nd May 2018
    • 9:15-9.30 tea & raw energy balls
    • 9.30-11.30 Yoga for menopause by Jo Kuszmar
    • 11.30-12.00 Walk (weather permitting)
    • 12.00-13.00 Light lunch
    • 13.00-15.30 Talk & Q&A

    Cost: £60     To secure your place please email info@satyayoga.co.uk or zena@satyayoga.co.uk

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